Extrait de la présentation de la ressource sur Film Education.
Positive ? is an educational resource found at www.learningpositive.com. Film Education partnered the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) to develop the interactive website Positive ? to raise awareness of HIV among young people, their teachers and lecturers.
Positive ? aims to enhance learners’ skills in the following areas :
– Researching information and selecting relevant data
– Listening to people living with HIV
– Discussing opinions, asking questions and challenging myths
– Analysing media representations of people living with HIV (PLHIV)
– Planning and writing a campaign for a specific audience
– Designing presentations
– Editing video
– Publishing and presenting information
– Evaluating their own and others’ work
– Organizing events and activities to publicise their cause
– Advocating for PLHIV
Présentation de Positive ? sur Film Education.
Accéder directement au site Positive ?